Loved The T&P,
I grew up along the Texas and Pacific tracks, near Weatherford in the 1950s and 60's. In fact I lived in a house that set only about 40 yards more or less from the tracks. As a kid, I watched every train that came by when I was at home. I loved to wave at the at train crew and seldom missed to do so. I suspect every engineer and brakeman that worked for the T&P for any length of time would remember me, if any were still living.
I remember, the hand cars (motor powered), the cattle cars, cattle guards at the crossings and the red flint rock that the tracks were bed down on. I spent a lot of time up and down the right-a-way looking for different colors of rock and eating pecans in the fall from trees on the edge of it.
My Mamma served many a hobo bacon and eggs for breakfast from her front porch, as she would never let anyone be hungery.
I saw my share of train de-railments and hot boxes and even heard and saw two ambulances come down those tracks, a real weird sight for those times.
Of course I was like a lot of kids who loved trains during those times. I was going to grow up and engineer a train, on the T&P of course. I never made it but I did get to sit in the blue stream line freight engines. I will try to dig out those pictures my mother and dad took of my brother and I looking out of the engines and also picture of a huge old T&P steam engine they took in Dallas. I will post them when I get time to do this.
Its great to see this site and know there are still somebody keeping the memories of the T& P alive.
Thanks, Randy Bandy