The person of the T&P that I know is my dad David H Mock Jr. He was a telegraph operator in towns in west Texas such as Big Springs and Monahans. He was fluent in Morris Code (we come a long way). I have heard his stories, he truly loved his job. I do not remember the Texas & Pacific but I have fond memories hanging out with him up in Tower 55 and watching him hand up train orders with one of those large wooden "Y" shaped sticks. I would like to say I had fond memories of the walking out on that bridge that went from Vickery St to the Yardmasters office at Lancaster Yard but I was scared of heights( hey I was 4). (Sure wish that bridge was still there, of course it would now be off limits) Growing up with a dad that has so loved trains has been great. From chasing 610 from one town to the next to just watching cars humped at the Lancaster Yard hump for hours to going to Model railroad conventions for as long as I can remember. Thanks dad your the best.