I recently found a picture of my grandfather in his T&P conductor's uniform, to the best of our family's knowledge, the picture was taken sometime around 1940.
We know that he worked for the railway before having to go to France in WWII and returned to work after he returned from the war, where kept working until his retirement. One of his favorite stories was when the engineer at the time of the 610, W.C. Griffith (my dad's grandfather), wanted my grandfather to shimmy out on the walkway of the 610 all the way to the front to throw a switch. He claimed that he refused to do it that way, but would jump off and run ahead to throw the switch without having to worry about getting burned in the process. No really a significant event, I just liked the idea of my mother's father and my father's grandfather interacting on the same train. We don't really know much about W.C. other than he worked the 610, and he died early in 1950, or late in 1949, just before my father was born.